MyLife (The Life of Jimmy Bui)

The purpose of me using blogger is so that I can record my interesting escapades that I encounter through my life. I've had interesting trips, met interesting people, done interesting things, and such but no place to record them! I'll slowly edit my profile online so that perhaps I can continue to meet interesting people more down the line. I could've done a journal but then I wouldn't be able to share them.

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Location: San Jose, CA

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Interesting Words from Crush #2

As much as I like to try to cut someone off, a part of me always believes that communication will work things through. I'm such a sap.

So after the hooplah I did with Esmeralda about cutting her off, I decided to send her an email and it went something like this:

Hello Esmeralda, I was planning to not contact you anymore after Friday night however I like you enough where I should at least communicate this out. So what was the deal with Friday night? You saw me there and I thought you were going to come up to me and say hello (guest or not in tow) but you didn't. I wasn't sure if he was your date or just a friend so I didn't want to approach you, but then you don't speak a single word to me the whole night. It troubled me that you would do that to me.
So what's going on? It's easy to turn away at this point especially when we barely know each other but I want to try and risk being burned. If you don't tell me how you're feeling or what you're thinking I can't really learn about you.

Her response:

Hi Jimmy! Glad to hear from you...I'm not sure why you are saying that or why you are saying you didn't plan on talking to me anymore? I wanted to say hi to you Friday night but I never got the opportunity. The first time I saw you was when you were dancing, then when I was dancing with Jose. I thought I kinda said hi from far away when I was dancing (I made a hello gesture). I don't think it's a matter of me not wanting to say hi, it was just that I never got the opportunity. It was a crazy night for me plans went all wrong. All my friends were in Mountain View celebrating Mari's birthday and I ended up going to Miami with a few more friends due to us not being able to get into the other place because it was at full capacity.

My response:

Yeah I felt that you were giving me the cold shoulder, because I was
*right* at the door but you breezed passed me without a stop, which is why
I wasn't sure whether you were on a date with the guy you were with or he
was your friend. It would have been nice if you came over to say hi rather
than far away, but I guess that goes back to level or priorities.

Her response:

Jimmy, if I would have seen you when I walked into the place I would have said hello
but I didn't... My mind was elsewhere that day because so many things happened.
But like I said before it felt like I never got the opportunity to say hello. I
didn't realized it was going to bother you...Anyhow, hope we can keep being friends
without hard feelings. I think you are a real cool guy and would like to get to
know you as a friend.

If you had read the earlier blogs then you would know that it was confirmed that she had an interest in me not too long ago so it was quite abrupt to see this answer. It's so BS about what she said, although I could elaborate now but I'm just pretty done here. So, she's back to being blacklisted.


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