MyLife (The Life of Jimmy Bui)

The purpose of me using blogger is so that I can record my interesting escapades that I encounter through my life. I've had interesting trips, met interesting people, done interesting things, and such but no place to record them! I'll slowly edit my profile online so that perhaps I can continue to meet interesting people more down the line. I could've done a journal but then I wouldn't be able to share them.

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Location: San Jose, CA

Sunday, April 02, 2006

So You're Not Gonna Say Hi Anymore?

Unfortunately like Darci says, I've become a drama king.

I thought the Esmeralda thing was over with, like dead. So who shows up at Agenda other than myself? Her of course but not by herself but with the same guy I saw with last time at Miami's.

Now I could understand that women can have guy friends however it's been already established already that this guy has a girlfriend and the guy has a tendancy to be seen making-out with other girls other than his girlfriend.

It's also been established that Jose has told her that Mauricio *has* a girlfriend so all the information is out in the open. So why is she hanging around him when they were at Agenda?

When I mean hanging out I don't mean two friends just hanging out I mean, always standing *right* next to him. They also danced bachata. Oh no.

Now I'm probably over-reacting however her whole behavior that night is just so "duh." She's always asking some the silliest questions like:

Esmeralda: "Oh hi Jose! Are you here with anyone?"
Jose: "What do you think? Jimmy's here."
Esmeralda: "Yeah? I don't see him. Where is he at?"
Jose: "He's probably out dancing."

Simple question yeah? Is she so duh that she didn't see me when she walked into the club? Okay, the club is dark and I *was* standing at 8 feet away. Perhaps she has vision problems then again...I'm probably overreacting.

The other duh thing that happened was Jose was standing behind me, about 10 feet away with my back towards him. She comes up to him and says:

Esmeralda: "So where's Jimmy?"
Jose: "He's standing right there." And points to me.
Esmeralda: "Well call him over so I can say hi to him." couldn't do that yourself? There wasn't even anyone between you two and me! So Jose steps forward taps me to come over. She smiles and says hi to me, does a quick wave and extends her hand. So I wave back, but I don't shake her hand right away. With a brief hesitation I shook her hand. "So you're not gonna say hi anymore?" she asks. "I just *did* say hi, that's what the wave was for."

Either she's really duh or she's playing it off. Then it came to me like a stick being poked in the mud (meaning, very slow.):

She's probably uncomfortable around me now and the one time she danced with someone other than Jose was with Bachata, with Mauricio. Perhaps to establish something? I can only speculate that it has to do with me, jealously, and/or getting away from the area that I was at.

Jose tells me she contradicts herself. She makes this huge hooplah about how she stays away from guys that are dishonest and are out for a fling, yet she hangs around this guy. Oh, and from what we know so far he has not mentioned once that he has a girlfriend to Esmeralda. Remember that there was the incident between Sandra and I and that it appears that she's walking away from me and my so-called drama, even though there wasn't anything there. Perhaps I *am* a drama king.

To be honest with myself, I'm pretty much done thinking of her. I have two job opportunities to decide on by the end of next week, and I *would* have left this Esmeralda thing all behind except Jose has a tendancy to keep bringing it up (mostly telling me what she said, how she reacted, etc.), and as much as he's a good friend for telling me all it did was have Esmeralda annoy me even more.

So she wants to be just friends with me because of the whole Sandra incident yet she's spending time with Mauricio.

You know, I don't give a squat. All that mattered was that I was dancing hardcore salsa and cha-cha by the pool table with Lorena, everyone was watching us go hog-wild crazy, we looked good, and I was having a good time doing it. This time I learned from my mistake, my whole focus was on my partner and no one else around me. I'm sure she was watching us, thinking whatever some duh person would think. Hah.


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