MyLife (The Life of Jimmy Bui)

The purpose of me using blogger is so that I can record my interesting escapades that I encounter through my life. I've had interesting trips, met interesting people, done interesting things, and such but no place to record them! I'll slowly edit my profile online so that perhaps I can continue to meet interesting people more down the line. I could've done a journal but then I wouldn't be able to share them.

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Location: San Jose, CA

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Free Tacos!

Not a whole lot happened Saturday night, just some interesting observations.

Octavio had called us to go to The Forum in Sunnyvale but Jose doesn't like The Forum too much so we had plans to just stay in San Jose instead.

Octavio: "So you guys coming to Venus Discoteque? We need dancers!"
Jose: "What? So you actually have women with you? How many men and how many women?"
Octavio: "We have all guys here! Bring some of your girls with you!"

Well gee, that didn't work out. So we decided to stay in San Jose.

Jose hadn't gone to Miami Beach this week so we were at the club at around 10:30pm. it was really slow at this time but that didn't stop the bartender from buying me a shot of tequila. As the rule goes, if someone puts a drink in front of me I'll drink it however it would seem that tequila shots get nastier every time I drink them.

The usual crowd that I've seen (but don't talk to) started to filter into the club little by little, including this one woman that kept looking and asking jose to dance with her weeks ago (from what Jose says, she can't even dance the cumbia step) so our goal that night was to avoid eye contact with this woman and not give her the opportunity to ask Jose to dance.

After about half an hour of standing around and not dancing, Octavio's get together at the Forum in Sunnyvale started to look good. Throughout this whole time the woman was indeed looking at him the whole time and smiling, ahaha, I'm glad I'm not on her radar. Jose asked if I wanted to check out the Forum since there were no one to dance with here. I said sure and he said he needed to go to the bathroom before we go.

The woman we're talking about was standing between us and the bathroom. Instead of staying put I decided to follow Jose to the other side of where the woman was, thinking that if I move she wouldn't notice me, as I was in a position where I was near the door so everytime someone walks in I'm always within her field of vision. So I'm between the woman and the bathroom now.

I did my best to not be noticed, as I was standing there a guy walked by her and she grabbed him with both hands...just barely pulling him into the dance floor and told him to dance with her. The guy puts his hand up in the air and indicates no, and off he goes to the restroom. She expresses disatisfaction and in the corner of my eye I see her looking my way.

"Oh crap oh crap, I hope she doesn't ask me to dance" I started to think to myself. She then walks up to me and asks me to dance. "CRAP."

So I put my jacket down and I attempt to dance salsa with this woman. I quickly find out she doesn't do the slot but rather the side by side cumbia step. Okay, So I change my style thinking that it would didn't...but I made the best of it. I can make us look like superstars right?

Hmm, I'm not sure. She didn't have a range of movements she could do, realized from trial and error, so I ended up doing perhaps 3 or 4 cumbia movements throughout the whole song. Jose came out and looked at me funny and laughed, he knows I fell victim to this woman.

After the song was over, I quickly thanked the woman and with a quick grab of my jacket we were off to the Forum.

We were supposed to get in for free to the club but Octavio was probably too drunk to answer his phone to let the people know we're okay. No problem. So we get upstairs to the salsa dancing room and it's packed elbow to elbow up there, you can feel the heat permeating the room, and it was 11:30pm.

We spot Octavio salsa dancing with someone that obviously knows how to salsa dancing. She had the hips, the feet, and the arm styling all there. I was instantly attracted to her, more because of her booty. It was nice booty, not that Jessica Alba kind but rather the kind one could describe as "J-Lo" booty. I've never really seen J-Lo's booty so I'm just guessing at this point.

After our hellos to everyone Octavio buys us a round of tequila shots. So far I hadn't gotten drunk from the first shot. Interesting enough, I didn't get sick or drunk from this shot either although I was a bit buzzed before the only dancing I did that night, bachata.

I danced bachata with the J-Lo booty. She's not Octavio's friend but I went over to her, while she was talking to her guy friend, and asked her to dance. he didn't seem to mind and so we danced. Dancing with her was too good, as she knew how to dance. She was really close to me and was able to move fairly quickly everytime I put her into a turn. The most amazing part was when I subtely led that I wanted to drop down and do that squirming movement. She was so good that I felt her *leading me* instead of the other way around. After one song she ended our dancing immediately. Damn, I told myself I'd be first to end it but I was so caught up dancing with her!

Then I remembered where I saw her. Roccapulco, back in September with Octavio and his ex-wife, with her tall boyfriend that kind of looked like her. They had that same nose, perhaps they were Puerto Rican? I tell jose my findings.

At this point we realize that the salsa room wasn't as packed as when we first walked in, in fact there was just enough couples on the dance floor to fill it up....with enough room for each couple to take a full step back or forward. Jose hasn't danced so far and says "There's no one to dance with! Let's go!" Cool, I'm fine with that.

As we're leaving the floor I notice that the J-Lo booty girl watching me from the corner of my eye. "Yeah I know, I'm wondering how we would salsa dance together also" I thought in my head.

After getting our jackets from the coat room, at what someone can only call "Perfect Timing," as we reached the door Esmeralda and her two friends walk in! It was so quick that there was no time to think about anything. "Where are you guys going?" Esmeralda asks Jose. "There's no one to dance with upstairs!" he replies. I wave hello to her but I didn't get very she leaned forward and kind of advertised her cheek out to be kissed hello. So I did the cheeky kiss thing, and off we went! Wow! What an exit!

Thinking that our night was done, Jose says he hadn't danced at all tonight and wanted to dance at least once before ending the we're back at Miami Beach. "Great. I just told all the staff I was done for the night!" I told him.

Masood was also there but he introduced me to a very attractive woman. "It's her birthday and I feel bad that I promised her I would dance with her but I haven't" he says. "By the way, she can't hear but she can follow really well by watching you."

Intrigued, I said yes. I've wondered (honestly) a few times on how even if I was deaf I could probably catch the beat of the music from the vibrations made from the speakers. I wanted to try this out. Unfortunately, cumbia was the only thing that was up.

So we dance in the very crowded room and she actually knows how to follow! It was a bit rough and bumpy but she did really well! I kind of had to tap her the beat on her back a few times but overall great! She hand signalled a couple of times how crowded it was but in the end we had to stop at some point. I wanted to talk to her a bit more but I realized that I didn't have my PDA with I wouldn't be able to write anything out to talk to her. Damn, she was pretty.

There's a woman that's a regular at the club on Saturdays that's always dressed very nice in dresses. I've seen her many times and I've seen how she dances....not fast enough to keep up with me so I've never asked her to dance. I've seen many guys hit on her or talk to her or dance with her so I never felt bad for not asking her to dance...she has plenty of attention.

Late in the night Masood and her are sitting next to one another eating soft tacos and talking. I somehow ended up nearby them and Masood taps me and asks if i wanted to have some. Before I could answer the woman looks at me and gives me her two tacos instead. "Here you can have mine. I don't like it" she says. Yeah? Wow! Free food! I munch one down and give the other Jose.

What she doesn't know is that she's just made a new friend, anyone that feeds me makes me happy. So I know her name now, Angie, so the next time I see her I'm going to ask her to dance!

Update: I spoke to Octavio and I found out J-Lo Booty broke up with her boyfriend some time ago, and the guy is Octavio's friend. The friend and J-Lo are just starting out a relationship.


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