MyLife (The Life of Jimmy Bui)

The purpose of me using blogger is so that I can record my interesting escapades that I encounter through my life. I've had interesting trips, met interesting people, done interesting things, and such but no place to record them! I'll slowly edit my profile online so that perhaps I can continue to meet interesting people more down the line. I could've done a journal but then I wouldn't be able to share them.

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Location: San Jose, CA

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Salsa Marathons & Useless Girls

While at Agenda last night I made a dare with my dance partner Marla that we'll keep dancing until she says stop, to see how long we can go. She agreed and it was 10:00pm. We proceeded to dance through salsa, bachata, cha-cha, and Merengue and it's funny doing dancing marathons because at some point you start running out of patterns to do.

I ran out of patterns sometime between the time my pants started to lose ground on my hips (was I losing weight dancing?) and that second cha-cha song. In the end *I* was the one who had it call it quits, more because Jose and his girlfriend wanted to go. Our end time? 11:20pm, that's 80 minutes of nonstop dancing without breaks!

Unfortunately, a lot of things were happening while I was dancing my marathon:

I didn't Say hi to Julian and Jules,
I didn't get to see Giana,
I didn't dance with my friend Tracy,
I didn't drink any water and my mouth was getting chappy,

Well to sum it up I didn't do anything while I was dancing.

So that was my night. The last time I did a dancing marathon was with my ex-girlfriend Lisa, and that lasted two hours at some club in Santa Cruz! Okay, so on to my peeve.

Useless Girls

There's only one girl that I'm going to talk about, her name is Johanna and she's a bartender at Miami Beach. She works the second bar in the club, curly long hair, Peruvian, and is always dancing or something.

So I call Octavio later in the night to tell him to come to the club. He tells me that Johanna called him up earlier and asked him to accompany her to Agenda.

Octavio shows up separately, about the same time I come to the club. She calls him later and tells him to meet her outside.

They come in together, she asks him to pay for her because she forgot to bring money. (WHAT)

Then they go to the bar, and she asks him to buy her a drink because she...yes....still has no money. (@&@!)

After a night of dancing with people other than Octavio, she asks him to go eat with her.

They go and she says she's going to buy a drink while Octavio walk towards the back to get a burrito. He thinks that she's going to buy him one also. Before he gets far she tells him to get her a burrito also. He returns with the burrito, but she didn't buy a drink for him.

Okay some questions are brought up:

1. You *know* the club charges so why didn't you bring money to pay at the door?
2. You like to drink, so why don't you bring money for drinks?
3. You could've pulled money obviously, how else did you get that last drink?
4. Use someone else to hold your pile of keys!
5. Octavio, why the hell are you being so nice to this woman that's using you for attention?

So it's part his fault I know for allowing her to do this. Shiet, I smacked it into his head over the phone what was going on when called me when the night was over. He was going to tell her through email some BS on how he's going to ignore or whatever but I told him no....just don't be nice to her anymore, that's all you have to do. You don't need all that grand exit.

I can relate, I had a girl do the exact same thing to me when I was twenty. From that point on I've been quicker at picking up girls trying to use me, so it peeves me to see anyone doing this. The only girls I know that do these tricks are those that crave attention. Geez.


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