MyLife (The Life of Jimmy Bui)

The purpose of me using blogger is so that I can record my interesting escapades that I encounter through my life. I've had interesting trips, met interesting people, done interesting things, and such but no place to record them! I'll slowly edit my profile online so that perhaps I can continue to meet interesting people more down the line. I could've done a journal but then I wouldn't be able to share them.

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Location: San Jose, CA

Monday, June 12, 2006

Reminiscing On The Single Life

Being in a relationship has been hard for me to swallow, maybe harder than some people.

I've been single for a very long time and I have not been in search of a relationship. Most people can relate that something like this only happens if you're not looking.

Now that I have a girlfriend things have become very interesting. The weekends are the only times when I actually have free time now, because the week is spent going to work, to the gym, cooking, winding down, and teaching. The girlfriend is also only free on the weekends so naturally she wants to spend it with me.

I had a full life before my girlfriend. I had mom and dad to visit, my partying friends to hang out with, and my personal time consisting of video games, bootleg movies, and porn. Ahh yes porn, always there when I need 'em.

I find myself having little time for any of the above things that I have a girlfriend. No it's okay that porn is of little use. Nay, it's the time spent with my friends Jose and Octavio and my parents that I miss.

As I was at the club last night with my girlfriend I told Jose I was going to be there with girlfriend and sister, so maybe he can be there so that he could entertain one of the two at least. Unplanned, the sister actually left leaving me with just the girlfriend while the boys were busy with their drinks, catching up, and dancing with the various people in the crowd.

My friends came by every so often to show me some attention by massaging my shoulders or pinching my nipples like brokeback, however it wasn't the same as hanging out with them and laughing all the night away. No, I had a girlfriend, and damn if I leave her by herself because she'd be unhappy if I did.

I will say that I have attempted to make plans to go out with just the guys...MANY times during the 6 or whatever weeks i've been with my girlfriend. Each time was met with sadness from her....sad that I would rather spend time with my friends than with her...because my friends, in her head, are more important than her.

WELLLLL SHOOP, what's a guy gotta do? One can say I should be mean but nay, I am not. One can say be a man and do what you want to do but nay, I have not. It's not easy having a girlfriend that always want to spend time with you. Perhaps it's my chinky eyes and my odd tall height for an asian that has her not getting enough of me...I'm sure of it.

My friends have been missing me I can tell. I get a lot of brokeback voicemails now from them. "You don't love me anymore!" or "Hola mi amor. Como estas? Besos?" Or the classic "Don't you forget. You were *my* bi*ch first."

Don't get me wrong. If I didn't have a heart or didn't care about my girlfriend I would've been long gone by now, back to the single life of dancing with various partners like a salsa dancing orgy. I enjoy my time with her, and she's been very good to me in a lot of a lot of ways.....VERY similar to the relationship between my mom and dad.....I may have some sort of mother complex that I don't know about...oh heavens no I hope it's not true.


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