MyLife (The Life of Jimmy Bui)

The purpose of me using blogger is so that I can record my interesting escapades that I encounter through my life. I've had interesting trips, met interesting people, done interesting things, and such but no place to record them! I'll slowly edit my profile online so that perhaps I can continue to meet interesting people more down the line. I could've done a journal but then I wouldn't be able to share them.

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Location: San Jose, CA

Friday, May 05, 2006

A Woman's Perspective on MySpace

I never realized how much crap women get on MySpace!

Anna was telling me how when she first came online here that she had a pretty easy time registering and posting up her pictures. Her pictures are very nice so I would imagine that she will eventually go through the same things that most women go through, tons of emails and tons of friend requests.

A picture of Anna

The next day she had over 100 hits on her profile with a bunch of friend requests and emails! Most of the guys that sent the requests were straight-up "gangsta" however the ones that didn't have bad spelling or comment just on her looks had some interesting strategies to get a girl's attention.

1. One guy asks a bunch of questions in a paragraph and follows by another paragraph of a quick summary of his accomplishments.
2. Another guy asks if she likes black guys.
3. One just said "wow" three times!
4. One said she had an awesome body and wanted to watch her dance.
5. One sent a joke and an invite to his blogs.
6. An email read "hi licked your pic".
7. One asked her to teach them salsa dancing.
8. Another asked if she could model.

With all that crappy email, all the nice ones get lost in between.

The good decent ones were to the point. Just saying how they want to know her more, she's beautiful, etc etc. I actually felt bad for these guys. imagine how many times they've sent emails to someone they were attracted to, but are decent guys, only to have their emails lost or deleted?

The emails and friend requests continued until Anna changed the way friend requests were done. In order to request her as a friend you'd have to specify her last name or her email address!

The other thing she did was change her status to "In a relationship." Since then, she hasn't received a whole lot of emails...there's still a lot of hits though!

One of the guys, she tells me, was honest and informed her that he was on MySpace to look for a girlfriend. So I guess I can make three assumptions:

- Some guys are on here to stay in touch with friends,
- some guys are here to pick up a girl, and
- some guys are here just to see how many people they can put on their friend's list.

The age change is one way most women tired of these men do to avoid these abundant attentions however it means it would be very difficult for those searching for them...old friends and ever pull them up in the search results.

Is any of the methods better than the other? The only thing I know for certain is that I might have friends out there that I've been trying to find, but couldn't find them, because of the age changes they've done.


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