MyLife (The Life of Jimmy Bui)

The purpose of me using blogger is so that I can record my interesting escapades that I encounter through my life. I've had interesting trips, met interesting people, done interesting things, and such but no place to record them! I'll slowly edit my profile online so that perhaps I can continue to meet interesting people more down the line. I could've done a journal but then I wouldn't be able to share them.

My Photo
Location: San Jose, CA

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A Night Full of Drunks (Part 2)

So we have two drunk Mexicans who don't know when to stop, a girl that's been left behind at the club by her male friend, a white drunk that's too aggressive and can't stand up straight, and an asian that's sober but his friend thinks otherwise. So how does this night end?

Octavio met a girl on Friday night at Miami and apparently things went so well that she came out to dance with him Saturday night at the FOrum. One thing led to another and so he got a ride home with her instead for their own after party.

Mike had a little trouble leaving the club. "Did you have a good time?" I asked him while I was waiting for Nicky to come out of the bathroom. "No" he replies.

"Well what's wrong?"
"I can't find my tag."

He fumbles through his pockets and pulls out his wallet and two receipts. At first I wasn't sure what exactly he was talking about until he finally said "The tag for my jacket!"

Trying to help him, and figuring that one of the other two has the tag, I ask Audrey and octavio if they have his tag when they meet up with us.

"Huh? Tag? What's a tag? No I don't have his tag." Each of them replies in their drunk manner. Okay well no point there.

Nicky comes out and is immediately stopped by Audrey. I can only deduce that Audrey was either trying to get her number or inviting her to one of their many "after parties." In any case I *did* hear her say "I'm getting a ride from Jimmy already."

Jose took my keys thinking I was buzzed/drunk earlier in the night when I answered "I don't know" to his main question: "How many drinks did Mike give you?"

No matter how many times I told him I wasn't drunk, he insisted that he could tell from my eyes that I was buzzed...also he said I wasn't walking straight. Well, I *was* pretty sore throughout my left leg so it was hard to walk, and I *have* been doing dancing marathons for the last three days; but that wasn't enough to prove to him I was sober.

Audrey, probably less drunk than Mike, drives Octavio's car back to their place, so they must've made it home because apparently....they continued to party back at their place. Probably brokeback or something.

So that leaves Nicky. Her story by far is the most interesting.

She asks if I could accompany her to the parking lot to see whether or not he left yet. On our way there she's obviously cold and although I was thinking I should offer my jacket to her; Jose does it first.

"Oh you don't have to do that" she replies. "No really, if my mom knew I didn't offer my jacket she'd kill me" replies Jose.

"Why didn't *you* offer me your jacket?" she turns and asks me. "I'm selfish" I reply (I'm don't remember saying that, but Nicky swears I did after confirming with her the next day or two.)

Upon reaching the parking lot we see that his car is gone so that leads to the next question: does she know where he lives?

"Yeah, he lives off of Fair Oaks" she replies. So since I wasn't allowed to drive Jose gives her a lift to Angel's place while I sit in the backseat.

Jose says "Why didn't open the door for her? What kind of man are you?"

Of course Nicky starts asking me the same question. "You bear no importance at this time" I reply. She's shocked.

It's important to mention that I'm a perfect gentleman when it comes to dates, my mom, or any significant other. I've learned through my experience that there's a time to be a gentleman and there's a time not to be....because doing it too often to the wrong person gives them an opening to use you if you're not careful.

So upon arriving at her friend's place we find that he made it home, as his car was present in his parking space. Nicky tries to open the back window to the truck but all the doors are locked. While Jose waits in the car I walk with her to his door. She rings his doorbell repeatedly.

Knowing drunks, unless you cause enough ruckess they won't open the door so I proceed to bang on the door oh a few dozen times until we hear a voice say "Who is it!?!"

"YOu should hide. He might act differently if you're standing with me" she says. So I walk down away from the door until I see that she walks in. I figured she's probably okay now so I go back into the car and wait until she comes out. Not waiting long she finally comes out and enters Angel's truck.

"Go out and see if she needs any help." Jose tells me. "She looks like she has things under control" I tell him. "Look, it doesn't hurt to be nice you know" Jose tells me.

"Fine fine" I reply. So I'm outside and we talk a bit while she's getting her stuff out she mentions that she doesn't want to go back in by herself to return his keys. "If I don't see you in 5 minutes I'll come in and get you" I tell her. Luckily I didn't have to be a hero however when she left his place she tells me something that I should have expected from the likes of him.

"Hey, come here" he tells her while she was walking away towards the door of his apartment. Not really interested in coming hither to him, Nicky tells him to tell her whatever he needs to say from where he's at.

"When you come with me, you stay with me" he tells her.

Okay, don't you remember she told you she has a boyfriend? So why you getting all huffy and stupid? Anyway Nicky finally comes out and I tell her to call me when she gets home so I at least know she made it home.

After a lengthy drive and 4:30am in the morning later (the time change also occured this night) we talk on the phone about various things including what it means to be a gentleman.

"He opens doors for me but he ends up being a jerk for leaving me at the club, and you don't open doors or offer your jacket yet you were nice enough to help me get home" she states.

With some explanation I informed her that he was trying to impress her so he would be at his best behavior, of course. Whereas for me I only learned to be a gentleman to women I'm interested in, have close connections to, a relative, etc....not a stranger.

As for me, Jose figured I would be sober enough to drive from his place to mine (5 minutes) so he turns his keys back to me when I reach his place. After a couple of days Jose tells me why he figured I was drunk, because of the way I was walking. I wasn't walking straight.

"Well gee, don't you remember all the times I was whining about how my legs were sore at the thighs, ankles, and calve muscles? Of course I wouldn't be walking straight, my legs were tired after another night of dancing!" Geez.


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