MyLife (The Life of Jimmy Bui)

The purpose of me using blogger is so that I can record my interesting escapades that I encounter through my life. I've had interesting trips, met interesting people, done interesting things, and such but no place to record them! I'll slowly edit my profile online so that perhaps I can continue to meet interesting people more down the line. I could've done a journal but then I wouldn't be able to share them.

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Location: San Jose, CA

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Smells Can Be Deceiving

Don't be hating the girl, hate the smell.

So the person I was dancing with at Agenda is Marla (her name was brought up once in an earlier blog), the last time I saw her was weeks ago on the same night that I had the drama with Esmeralda and Sandra. Before that was at Miami Beach (the girl I danced bachata with).

After the incident with Esmeralda I thought to myself I should've asked for Marla's number. Her actions and body language indicated she was attracted to me the two times I've met her.

So I come upstairs and I turn left just as she turns right. With a surprised look on her face she says hi and leans over to hug me. I'm also suprised, as it's been long since I've seen her, and I tell her while I'm next to her ear that I'm glad that I finally saw her again because "I wanted to get your number."

"Yeah?" she replies next to my ear. Pulling away and with a smile she says "well why don't we dance then?" I ask her if she's been downstairs yet so we go down and she asks me to dance again. "I have to go meet with my friend back upstairs but when you're ready come back up."

So I'm upstairs chatting away with the gang and I see Marla come up with her friends. Without a word to Marla, and while continuing to talk to the gang, I reached out and held Marla's hand and off we went to the dance floor.

After a song I ask if she wants to keep dancing. "Yes" she replies. So we dance another song and I ask the same question again....same response.

Well you get the idea at this point. So I tell her "Just to let you know I'll keep dancing until you say stop. In fact let's play a game. We'll keep dancing until you stay stop but just to let you know I can dance for a long time!" She accepts the dare and we dance.

Marla's cute, somewhat "healthy" but not too bad. While dancing with her I detected a funny smell on her.

"Is it her perfume? Because I don't like how it smells" I wondered to myself. The smell was always there and steady, so it must've been some sort of perfume...or perm....isn't it?

I couldn't tell, but it was a ranky smell....not sewage like but enough for you to crinkle your nose. The smell bothered me enough where I started to lose my interest in her.

Well frankly I can keep dancing with her, so it's safe to assume that the smell wasn't always there...just comes in and out...otherwise I wouldn't have danced 80 minutes nonstop with her.

I *did* warn her though if she were to stop. "If you stop dancing with me I have to warn you that you won't be able to dance with me anymore for the night." "Oh? Why is that" she asks. "Well because everyone's going to want to dance with you after this, now that I've been dancing with you all this time" I reply.

In the end, I had to end the dancing because between 11:00 and 11:30 was our planned exit time....for Octavio, Jose, and myself.

In my head I was wondering how I should've kept my mouth shut about how I wanted to get her number. I should've waited until *after* the dancing to say that!

As she walked off the dance floor Jose and g/f were also leaving. so they led the way to the exit while I see Marla at the end of the bar pouring a cup of water to herself. I wave to her goodbye and she gives me this non-typical look.

It was the kind of look that says "What? Didn't you say you were going to ask for my number?"

Hmmm I'm sorry. Although I don't know where the smell originates from, I don't think I can have a relationship with it...or her.

I can still smell it even after my I guess it's burned in my head now. Gazooks!


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