MyLife (The Life of Jimmy Bui)

The purpose of me using blogger is so that I can record my interesting escapades that I encounter through my life. I've had interesting trips, met interesting people, done interesting things, and such but no place to record them! I'll slowly edit my profile online so that perhaps I can continue to meet interesting people more down the line. I could've done a journal but then I wouldn't be able to share them.

My Photo
Location: San Jose, CA

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Almost Tara Hook-Up

My phone ran out of batteries on Tuesday so I never answered my phone, but that didn't stop my Octavio from leaving a voicemail that we were going to Glas Kat, and my name magically appeared on their guess list!

So octavio wanted to go salsa dancing and decides to round up the usual suspects, Jose and myself. Now I already started a new job that I enjoy because it takes some actual brain power to do, and to stay up late any night would mean mistakes are made the next morning.

Our drive up to Glas Kat was a fun one, as I was told some girls have thought I was gay (I don't ask girls to dance, so what'd they think?), I need to get laid more (because apparently if you don't use it, you lose it), Octavio's choice in women, what's the highest number of orgasms we got a woman to have in one night (12 was the highest), how I should get to know Nicky more from Saturday, and our usual banters about the girls we've met.

When we make it to the club and the dancing starts Jose spots a really cute girl taking the salsa lesson with a blonde streak going through the middle of her hair. "She's cute" Jose tells Octavio, so later she's the first girl octavio asks to dance. Jose and I are on the side standing and watching. Octavio eventually dances with someone else and the blonde girl with the streak sits down by the water fountain.

"Okay we're going to have to give you a target to dance with, because I know if I don't you're not going to ask any strangers to dance. Okay, I want you to ask that girl to dance" Jose says and points to the girl with the blonde streak.

So I go up to her and ask her to dance. At first she didn't seem too interested in dancing until after we started moving on the dance floor. "Oh wow, you can dance!" she exclaims while we're dancing. Our dancing consists of me asking her questions and her asking me what she was supposed to do with that last move (where she lives, goes to school, etc.).

After one song she says she asks if I want to dance another. "Sure!' I reply and off we go. After it was all over I ask for her name, it's Emily.

So she sits down back where she was at (right by the railing to the left of the entry to it) while I return back to Jose. Jose and I are chatting away (he's to the right of me) and I notice that Emily moved to sit at a spot closer to where we were seating, not that close, around 10-15 feet away. I observe from the corner of my eye her turning once to look at my direction, no big deal. A little bit later Jose tells me "Hey, ask her to dance again. She keeps looking this way, *and* she moved to sit a little bit closer to us. You know how girls play the game." "Umm, not really" I reply. Haha, I really don't!

So I go up and ask Emily to dance and she's ecstatic that I ask her to dance. So we're dancing and we talk more about how often each of us comes to this club, where I'm from, etc. After it was all over she says:

"I'm leaving in 20 minutes but I'll look for you later" she says. Okay no problem, so I'm off to drink some water or whatever.

As she was walking from the dance floor she catches me and we exchange some words:

Emily: "Are you coming here next week again? You *have* to come!"
Jimmy: "Welll, it's a bit of a drive for me but how about I give you my number or I get your number and we can go from there."
Emily: "Okay sure!"

So we move to the bar up front at which time she writes down my name and number on a napkin. I whip out my phone, thinking that I should get her number also to which she replies:

Emily: "I can't give you my number. The thing is I have a boyfriend and if any guy calls me, dance partner or not, he'll start some sh*t...."
Jimmy: "Ohh one of those, okay no problem."

Later, Octavio tells Jose he was trying to get her number also but didn't know I spoke to her already. "Forget it, she has a boyfriend" Jose tells octavio. "Okay, then it's all jimmy then!"

While I was sitting down in the corner near the DJ, I spy at the corner of my eye these two girls looking at me and one of them points at me. I wasn't sure if they were pointing at me or whatever, so I just played it off.

For some reason later in the night I ended up standing by myself near the front bar of the club, probably trying to cool down from some non-hardcore dancing. I see the two girls approach me from the other side of the club, ever so slowly.

"You look awfully familiar" replies the blonde one. Both of the girls are really cute although the one with the free-flowing top with the nice top, low cleavage, with dark long hair looked hot.

"Yeah?" I reply. "Well let's start somewhere. Where do you usually go dancing at?" I ask. From this point on I ask a lot of questions and we all realize that I look familiar to some guy name Juan with a scar down his face.

"That's okay. It's always good to meet new people" she replies. You don't say. Their names are Stacey and Tara, Tara's the hot one that I'm totally interested in getting to know. Tara's from Oakland and Stacey is from walnut Creek.

So with some talking about Agenda, how they don't go dancing in this area very often (because they're from the East Bay), I'm trying to build some rapport or something that would lead to me getting Tara's number. At a very untimed coincidink, Jules sees me and walks right towards me from the direction I was looking at and grabs my arm and pulls me away from the girls, middway while I was talking!

As my game slowly disappeared in a blink, Jules turns around and says "Sorry girls" and proceeds to pull me away to a spot a few feet from them to discuss an issue.

Although the issue between Jules and I has now been resolved, the two girls left before I even had a chance to get their number. >Sigh<


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