MyLife (The Life of Jimmy Bui)

The purpose of me using blogger is so that I can record my interesting escapades that I encounter through my life. I've had interesting trips, met interesting people, done interesting things, and such but no place to record them! I'll slowly edit my profile online so that perhaps I can continue to meet interesting people more down the line. I could've done a journal but then I wouldn't be able to share them.

My Photo
Location: San Jose, CA

Monday, April 03, 2006

A Night Full of Drunks (Part 1)

I lost a very important ring on Saturday at The Forum (Venus Discoteque) in Sunnyvale. It's the stainless steel ring with the two infinity signs wrapped around the whole band, signifying longevity in my life. My grandmother gave it to me but that wasn't the only thing that made the night bad.

Saturday night was meant staying at home. I had already danced for three nights earlier (Wed - Frid), each of which I did a dancing marathon. As of Saturday my thighs, ankles, and calve muscles were sore. I told both Jose and Octavio I didn't want to go out dancing.

However what I want isn't always what I get; Jose calls me and tells me to get my butt in gear and meet him at his place because we're going to the Forum (We have free entry tonight because Octavio and his cousin knows the people at the door). Since it's free we might as well be game. The plan for Jose and I was go there, have a drink, and watch people dance, and leave.

Jose has Octavio & Audrey on the phone and they tell us we need to be at the club before 10:30 so we can get in, Jose informs me from the way they were talking they were already wasted. It's 10:00pm so I'm flying at 80 mph to get there from San Jose. They tell us they'll wait for us.

We get there at 10:20 and they're not even there yet so we call them: "Oh don't worry, we can still go in after 10:30pm" they inform us. "So why the hell did you tell us we needed to rush and be there" I wondered to myself.

When they finally arrive Octavio pops the trunk of his car and pulls out a bottle of tequila and a shot glass. So we all take shots (including me) then they pull out a bag of beer. I don't drink beer so I don't take one but the tequila shot went down easily.

At this point I'm on the phone with someone and there's a truck right next to us with two people talking in it. As I'm talking I see Audrey decides to make the parking lot his urinal, and proceeds to do his duty between two cars that are next to us and his car. Unfortunately, the car in front of where he was, was the one with two people in it. Although the passengers in that car did not notice, I did, and so I moved to 500 yards away from these drunks just in case there's trouble. Fortunately I didn't have to wait long and so we make our way into the club.

We hang at the main floor near the bar for a bit when I see a short haired, asian woman standing a few feet away from me, looking at me. I make the mistake of looking at her direction because she then proceeds to walk and stand next to me. I try to play it off, even to the point of turning my back towards her and facing towards the bar. She then steps and moves to my right side next to the bar also. "Okay this isn't good" I wonder to myself, and so I hint to Jose that we need to move somewhere else. Close call, I don't see her for the rest of the night!

We proceed to the second floor at which time Audrey hands me two cups, one of coke and the other "Liquid Cocaine." After a sip of the liquid it's so nasty that I down the rest of the coke in the other cup, and I gave the liquid cocaine back to Audrey.

Two girls walk in to the bar and Audrey walks up to them and starts talking to the one in pink. He signals me over and before I even reach them he takes the one in pink (Margarita) to the dance floor! So unsure of what to do I introduce myself to this person (Karen) and we're off dancing Merengue.

So I'm done dancing one or two Merengue songs and Mike is hanging at the bar. Mike doesn't dance at all but he's a good guy. I'm really tired so I have my back to the dance floor and I'm leaning on the bar table to relieve my back. Mike and I chat for a bit but he says I need to do a tequila shot with him. So I take the shot with him and learn that you always want to breathe in as you drink the shot, suck on the lime and salt, and then breathe out. Apparently it works because I don't feel buzzed at all.

Some time after a white girl with a latin guy walks into the second floor and stands right next to me. Mike decides to push me hard enough where I almost went smack into this girl. Mike tells her to dance with me, she looks at me funny so rather than make this situation worst than it is I ask her to dance. She complies and so we're off Merengue dancing.

Now she came in with a guy and I'm fully aware of this but I do not know their status. All I can say is right after she starts dancing with me he storms out of the floor. Okay, now I know this was bad. She doesn't seem to mind though and proceeds to ask me questions and answer my questions in a bubbly way. Her name is Nicky and she's from Monterey. She was in Palo Alto visiting a college friend and stopped by to meet up with her friend "Angel" which is whom she was with. They're just friends.

So we're dancing and we stop and she's telling me something but I can't hear her. So I pull her a little bit away from the floor but instead she pulls on my hand and we end up in the upper upper back room of the club, where it's really quiet. This is the first time I've been in it and I soak myself in the moment. I turn around and there's Mike sitting on the sofa in the back!

Mike calls us over and so we go up to him and I can tell he's drunk....because he kisses her on both cheek for some odd reason. She invites Nicky to sit down (but not me, but that's okay) at which time Nicky asks me to sit down. So when I sit down she turns towards me and we all proceed to talk.

She's asking me a bunch of questions about dancing but before I can answer most of them completely Mike keeps responding for me. Okay bottom line, he's drunk and the worst thing was that he kept using foul language and told her to shut up at two parts in the conversation. Nicky was polite about it but after she said she needed to look for her friend and asked me to accompany her, she told me that Mike was being a jerk.

I think we parted ways somewhere because I don't remember anything except that I ended back upstairs myself and I had a girl ask me to dance. Nicky eventually shows up and we catch up again.

She finds her friend and she's happy because he's dancing with some girl on the dance floor but she says she thinks he's a bit drunk.

Mike later buys Jose and I another drink although I'm not sure what it was. I down this drink quick and interesting enough, I'm still not buzzed or drunk from all this drinking. It's probably due to my heavy dinner of tacos with my dad earlier in the night.

Nicky and I talk again and she tells me that she can't seem to find her friend in the club. I volunteer to help look for him but I don't see him anywhere (she introduced me to him earlier) and the club is pretty dead at this time (around 1:00am). We start to speculate that he may have left without her but we figure that he was drunk and forgot about her? Nicky says her things were in his car: keys, money, purse, everything. So how is she going to get home to Monterey?

He wasn't the only one that was drunk. Octavio, Audrey, and Mike were all a bunch of drunks by the time the club was closing up and they didn't seem very coherent. How the heck are these guys going to get home?

So I have a girl that has a friend that ditched her and lives in Monterey, I have a white boy that can't seem to stand up straight, two Mexicans that obviously didn't know when to stop drinking, and Jose who things I'm drunk and took my keys away from. How is this night going to end?


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