MyLife (The Life of Jimmy Bui)

The purpose of me using blogger is so that I can record my interesting escapades that I encounter through my life. I've had interesting trips, met interesting people, done interesting things, and such but no place to record them! I'll slowly edit my profile online so that perhaps I can continue to meet interesting people more down the line. I could've done a journal but then I wouldn't be able to share them.

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Location: San Jose, CA

Monday, June 12, 2006

A Sea of Hotties

I can't believe they're were soo many attractive women at Miami's! This was a first!

The last Thursday of every month at Miami's is the male review show, so all the women tend to flock to the club to watch these beefy men dance. With the combination of school being out for most people, it shouldn't be a surprise that young, attractive girls will show up to the club. Thursday night was far from an exception.

Upon arriving to the club with Alexis I was already witnessing cuteness at the front door, a tall one with bootie that looked good to me was making her way in with her friend. Man she looked good. I should be feeling guilty for looking.

Upon entering the club I wave to the cashier, thinking it's the regular. "It'll be 10 dollars" she says. What? Me? Pay to get in to a club? I was shocked. I cried and told the front security to let me in. He waved to the second security guy to let me in.

Upon entering I witnessed a sea of hotties: tall, short, hispanic, white, bustiers, and alcohol! There was even a woman with her right nipple peeking out of her tube top. Doesn't she realize that her tube top is too small for her DD breasts? Perhaps she used to have a small bust size and didn't have time to buy a bigger tube top.

In any case Alexis took no time to get her freak on with the regular belly dancer at the club and going on stage to dance. "She can take care of herself" i wondered to myself and so i was standing around taking in the view from the second level.

A girl spots me and flashes a smile at me from the dance floor. It's the girl I danced with at The forum weeks ago! The one dance that caused me to lose my ring. I wish I had my ring.

A girl sneaks peeks at me from where she was sitting at. Cute, but a little bit too short for me.

A skanky looking woman (aka Stripper Girl from way back when from a really older blog) was wearing gold, lower knee high boots. GOLD! I didn't realize they came in that color!

Johanna the Piranha (bartender girl) was there in all her ugliness. I was standing there with Octavio and cousin, she hugged and said hi to them while I had my back to her. She didn't even come up to say hi or hug me. Good, maybe she'll realize that I'm aware of her being married with child...trying to hook up with my friend Jose....and that I think she's a hoe. Yeah that's right, a HOE.

as I was standing in the back patio area, the tall girl with the big bootie (the one i saw at the front door) was swaying to the salsa music playing. "I wonder if she could dance" I thought to myself. I wanted to ask her to dance, but I was shy. So shy that someone else asked her to dance before I even fathomed the thought of moving to talk to her. What I saw was not pretty.

She couldn't dance. It was like watching a dog wiggle it's tail so hard that it's whole backside wiggles with it. No, she didn't look like a dog, more like a horse. Big and round.

her friend was sitting by herself, so since I couldn't get the horse, I'll go with the friend. So I ask her to dance, to which she said she couldn't dance, and off we went. She couldn't dance salsa but she can cumbia dance. So I switched my dance style to that.

After a song she said she had to get back to her friend (whom by this point stopped dancing). The girl i danced at the forum says hi to me and we were off dancing salsa. That ended and merengue came on, at that point we got our freak on.

Lots of hip bumping, hip rotating, and hip thrusts. Lots of that and more...from her. I think she got excited from:

1. Being out of school.
2. Being at the male review show.
3. And perhaps seeing me, in all my hotness.

In any case, she was bumping her hips here and there and I was having a jolly time recripocating mostly because it was a chance for me to joke around. I thought of my girlfriend during the whole time funny enough.

After my dance with her and my girlfriend hadn't shown up, I made my way out the door and back my 30" TV!!!


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