MyLife (The Life of Jimmy Bui)

The purpose of me using blogger is so that I can record my interesting escapades that I encounter through my life. I've had interesting trips, met interesting people, done interesting things, and such but no place to record them! I'll slowly edit my profile online so that perhaps I can continue to meet interesting people more down the line. I could've done a journal but then I wouldn't be able to share them.

My Photo
Location: San Jose, CA

Monday, June 12, 2006

2 Singles & A Hitched Guy

Sometimes, singles life looks so much funner from a friend's perspective.

Jose calls me on Tuesday, days after yet another break-up with his girlfriend, to say that he wants to go out dancing to GK. Of course this is a great opportunity to go out dancing as a single (weekends are with the girlfriend so I was down for that. He also tells me Octavio is going.

For the first time in a long time, the trio is back out in force again! So Jose picks me up and then Octavio and off we go to SF. During our ride up to SF we were back on our usual banter of girls, women, sex, and salsa dancing. To be more specific, our conversations were about Octavio's poor choice in women, Jose's really really old sexcapades (perhaps he missed the old days), and my slim shady salsa dancing. The last part wasn't true by the way.

I told the guys that Ana from Miami will be there tonight. "So *that's* why you were so eager to go to Glas Kat! Because Ana's going to be there!" said Jose. "What!?! Of course not! It's just a coincidence that she's going to be there and you guys asked me to go up there!" I replied. They didn't seem to take that story.

Upon our arrival to GK the guys bought me a tequila shot and off we were to the dance floor. Apparently Octavio said there was a girl that he's here to see. No, not Rosa, some other girl.

After some hang out time I separate myself from the guys to say hello to Ana, whom was watching from a higher vantage point. After some time I returned to the guys to which they told me to check out the girl that octavio was there to meet up with.

Around this time I dance with Rosa and see that Colleen and Salvador were in the same area hanging out. After some quick dancing with her I went over to Colleen and b/f for some quick chit chat.

How convenient, Colleen took the opportunity to dance with someone while I talk to Salvador. Being the good friend I am, I talked it up with him so I could keep him entertained while Colleen had her way with her dance partner. The result was positive, as he opened up fairly quickly as i dropped in some key phrases to him:

1. "My girlfriend..."
2. "It's nice of you to..."
3. "...Cuban salsa..."
4. "...Colleen..."
5. "...what..."
6. "...funny..."
7. "That's far!"

By this point Colleen returned back to her boyfriend at the same time when I spot Jose and Octavio dancing with some women. I was teasing Jose from afar, telling him to "Hey! I want to see some turns! Turn more!"

"So why don't you show me a few turns?" said a woman next to me. Ah! A dare! So I started to dance with her, her name was Dee-Dee (aka. Didi, DeeDee, etc.)

The performances came up, one of which was Enrique and Giana. Their performance is not new to me, as they have used my dance studio to practice so I had the chance to watch them prior. "I've seen their performance before. They were practicing at my dance studio not too long ago" I tell DeeDee.

After the performances and I resumed dancing with her, she said that once she realized I was an instructor she became nervous she said, but that didn't stop us from having a good time!

After the dancing, it was time for me to take a break for the night (I danced 3 times: Jules, Rosa, and DeeDee) so I walked myself to the front and bumped into Rodney. After introductions I was invited to sit down.

It's interesting being with Rodney, as he made every opportunity to introduce me to everyone. Although I've seen many faces, none I have been properly introduced (attributed to MySpace and being a MySpace Stalker).

I was introduced to:

1. Tom? - The salsa dork.
2. Vicky - the tall Dominican who says Asians are short.
3. Bryce - The tall whitey that can dance.
4. Aries - Salsa Rica dancer and Ana's friend.
5. Rob - Big guy with a funny sense of humor.
6. Amy - the one with the asian husband.

Other than them, I saw a few other faces that I wasn't introduced to, or knew ahead of time:

1. That one guy that was one of my students.
2. That one girl that's friends with Bryce, you know, the one that's tall and came with Bryce.
3. Jules.
4. Ronaldo.

After some time I went back to the dance floor to check out what was going on, at this point I see Octavio dancing with the girl that he came to see, whom had a really nice upper body. The kind that looks like she hits the weights at the gym.

Jose on the other hand, I noticed was with the friend upstairs dancing or whatever. It looked like he was interested in her from the way they were acting together. So there I was, alone with no one to dance with and no one I can couple with. Oh well.

I was thinking to myself, "If *I* were single I'd hook up with someone right now." How silly, how the heck am I going to hook up with someone if I don't have to guts to ask anyone to dance? How silly of me.

After some time Jose finds me and comes over to talk to me. Around this time a woman heads straight to me and introduces herself.

"Hello, it's so nice to finally meet you in person and not on MySpace! name is Michelle."

Michelle from MySpace. The one that is going to SJSU in Aero something and will be done next year. The one that isn't on my friend's list and restricts all her blogs to her friends. I don't think she even realizes I'm not her friend's list.

Jose backed off around this time and later Ronaldo comes over and asks her to dance. So there I was again, alone and sweaty.

By closing time, I met up with the guys to head home and for some post-game talk.

Acting like a man and talking to Octavio: "You should hit that *ss! She's got the body and I'd do her!"

"Here I am, going slow and keeping the friend busy, while all Jimmy has to do is stand there while the women come to him! (in reference to Michelle)" said Jose.

"Yeah yeah I'll tap it, but y'know I'm not gonna rush it." said Octavio.

Jose and I looked at each other and said to Octavio "You? Not rush?" Now that's wierd to hear from Octavio.


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